Friday, November 14, 2014


On the heels of their acclaimed 'Disco To Die To', OOFJ re-emerge with their follow up album “Acute Feast”. An unforeseen critical success, reviews of their debut LP spoke of "dark Badalamenti" and "Polanski terror with opaque floating vocals". OOFJ's distinctive, exotic sound is the perfect fusion of South African vocalist Katherine Mills-Rymer dark romanticism and Jenno's cool Danish precision - creating something simultaneously glamourous, nightmarish, and narcotic. INTERVIEW MAG “Track of the week… a missing Godard soundtrack”
 MTV IGGY “10 of our favourite international bands… Artist of the week”
 FLAVORWIRE “Flavorwires 10 musical act’s to watch in 2013”
 BLACKBOOK MAG “OOFJ’s symphonic and somberly fantastic album”
 NOISEY.VICE “Mixture between 9 1/2 weeks and Oshima’s In the realm of senses”
AUXILLIARY MAG “9/10… Incredibly refreshing nostalgic wonder” WWW.OOFJ.NET